D4Dementia is 8 today AND has a new home!

I’m delighted to announce that D4Dementia is 8 years old today! My blog also has a new home – http://www.d4dementia.com 📣A super exciting day for me! ✅My D4Dementia blog is 8 years old today🎉 ✅It now has a brand new home🏡https://t.co/hk4wRUYOW8 AND ✅My May blog is live – ‘Living with #dementia – It’s not postponed’

A year on from MacIntyre’s Dementia Project

Having immensely enjoyed working with MacIntyre as their external consultant for their 3-year ‘Dementia Project’, I am delighted to see their one-year-on report published. ‘Improving Dementia Support for People With a Learning Disability’ charts the award-winning Department of Health and Social Care funded ‘Dementia Project’, and explains how it successfully raised awareness of learning disability and

Changed behaviour booklets published by MacIntyre

As the external consultant for MacIntyre’s Dementia Project, I wrote 11 Changed Behaviour booklets, some of which have now been made available on their website. The booklets support the Changed Behaviour eBook that I wrote as part of MacIntyre’s Wellbeing for Life Toolkit. The booklets look at different ‘behaviours’ as they may be described (words like ‘aggression’

D4Dementia is 7 today!

I’m delighted to announce that D4Dementia is 7 years old today. To celebrate I’ve published a special blog that includes the results of a reader survey I’ve conducted over the past month. As Dementia Action Week #DAW2019 begins, my D4Dementia blog is 7 years old! A post to celebrate 7 years of blogging about #dementia

Reducing the Risk of Falls – Case Study

MacIntyre, my longest-serving consultancy client of 5+ years, have published a case study on one of the roundtable training days I have facilitated for their staff . You can read the case study here: https://www.macintyrecharity.org/our-approach/resources/reducing-the-risk-of-falls-case-study-roundtable-event/ During the session staff learnt about: Factors that contribute to falls for people with a learning disability How falls impact

Roundtables Best Practice Guide

Today one of my consultancy clients, MacIntyre, have published a guide to running roundtable training days with staff that they co-produced with me. You can read the guide here: https://www.macintyrecharity.org/our-expertise/resources/roundtables-best-practice-guide/ The roundtable format was originally developed by MacIntyre’s Dementia Project team, in conjunction with me, as a way of bringing staff together in regional locations,

Interview with the Daily Sparkle

I’ve been interviewed by the Daily Sparkle, all about my dad and the work I do now. You can read the interview here: http://www.dailysparkle.co.uk/interview-beth-britton/  My thanks go to the team at the Daily Sparkle for interviewing me.

Interview with MacIntyre about the Wellbeing for Life Toolkit

As part of their series of dementia-related content to support UK Dementia Action Week 2018, one of my consultancy clients, MacIntyre, have interviewed me about my work on their groundbreaking Wellbeing for Life toolkit. You can read the interview here: https://www.macintyrecharity.org/news-blogs/macintyres-wellbeing-for-life-toolkit/ In the interview I talk about how I wrote content, and reviewed the entire Wellbeing

Film for Doctors.net.uk

I’ve made an 8-minute film for Doctors.net.uk, all about the power of using personal experiences to transform dementia care in health settings. Doctors.net.uk is a membership network of thousands of doctors, and most of their content is only available to their membership. However, the Doctors.net.uk team have kindly uploaded my film to YouTube for everyone

D4Dementia is 6 today!

I’m delighted to announce that D4Dementia is 6 years old today. Today is the 6th birthday of my D4Dementia blog 🎉🎈🎊 This is where it all began https://t.co/4p4e8SyYub pic.twitter.com/v0PAfj7zwb — Beth Britton (@bethyb1886) May 20, 2018 I really appreciate all the amazing support that has enabled D4Dementia to become one of the foremost dementia blogs

Learning Disabilities and Dementia Webinar for the DAA

Following today’s webinar for the Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) presented by Sarah Ormston, MacIntyre’s Specialist Health Advisor and Dementia Project Manager and myself, the slides (without audio) are now available on the DAA website for anyone who wasn’t able to join the webinar live. You can find the slides here. Entitled ‘Learning Disabilities and Dementia

Contribution to poly pharmacy guide

Today one of my consultancy clients, MacIntyre, have published a guide on poly pharmacy that they co-produced with me. You can read the guide here: https://www.macintyrecharity.org/our-expertise/resources/poly-pharmacy-a-guide-for-staff/ This resource, which is aimed at social care staff but offers useful information for everyone, supports the national STOMP campaign: Stop the Over Medication of People with a Learning

Interview with Employees Matter

My interview with Employees Matter, ‘Beth Britton – from personal story to D4Dementia’ has been published and can be read here: http://employeesmatter.co.uk/beth-britton-personal-story-d4dementia/ The interview is focused on the needs of carers, particularly carers who are juggling caring and employment, and includes advice for employers. My thanks go to Employees Matter for interviewing me.

Interview with the DAA about Learning Disabilities and Dementia

I’m pleased to have been interviewed by the Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) talking all about learning disabilities and dementia, including my work with MacIntyre and the DAA ‘From Seldom Heard to Seen and Heard’ Campaign. You can read the interview here: https://www.dementiaaction.org.uk/news/27003_beth_britton_on_learning_disabilities_and_dementia Thank you to the team at DAA for their support, and colleagues at

‘Young onset dementia’ is published

I am delighted to have our experiences of my dad’s dementia featured as a case study in this hugely important book that explores young onset dementia. The book is a guide to recognition, diagnosis and supporting individuals with dementia and their families. ‘Young onset dementia’ is written by Hilda Hayo, Alison Ward and Jacqueline Parkes,