Associate Trainer role with 3SpiritUK

I’ve expanded my training portfolio by becoming an Associate Trainer for 3Spirit UK Training and Consultancy. 3Spirit are a Skills for Care Centre of Excellence and they hold the Social Enterprise Mark. I have worked with 3Spirit previously, collaborating on a free equal opportunities infographic and reviewing their dementia apprenticeships. I am initially delivering 3Spirit’s Tier

Film for

I’ve made an 8-minute film for, all about the power of using personal experiences to transform dementia care in health settings. is a membership network of thousands of doctors, and most of their content is only available to their membership. However, the team have kindly uploaded my film to YouTube for everyone

GP Training

I have enjoyed a successful morning training GP’s, with excellent early feedback on my training session. One of the GP’s in my training session, Dr Martin Brunet, has since gone on to write this article, published by The Telegraph: In the article, Dr Brunet says: “Get someone like the fabulous dementia campaigner Beth Britton to

Visit to Birmingham City Hospital Nuclear Department

Further to my recent visit to Birmingham City Hospital’s Nuclear Department, GE Healthcare have published this story: ‘The Little Known Role of Nuclear Medicine in Diagnosis of Dementia’ – At the end of the visit I made this short film, discussing what I had seen and experienced: Many thanks to Birmingham City Hospital, Dr

Approved to be an MSNAP Peer Reviewer

I am delighted to have been approved to be a Memory Services National Accreditation Programme (MSNAP) Peer Reviewer. The Royal College of Psychiatrists run MSNAP, working with services to assure and improve the quality of memory services for people with memory problems / dementia and their carers. You can find out more about MSNAP here:

Speaking at NHS Expo

I spoke at this year’s NHS Health and Care Innovation Expo in Manchester alongside Professor June Andrews and Professor Alistair Burns. The title of our session was ‘Are we doing enough for people living with dementia?’. During my time at Expo I was delighted to meet with people who are living with dementia, past and