I founded my D4Dementia blog in May 2012, with the aim to provide support and advice to those faced with similar situations to those we experienced with my dad, inform and educate care professionals and the wider population, promote debate and create improvements in dementia care. D4Dementia remains firmly rooted in those aims and I believe has, in its 280+ posts, achieved many of those aims multiple times.
D4Dementia was a finalist in the Roses Media Awards in 2012, and has gone on to develop a huge following in the UK and internationally. Loved and supported by thousands of families, carers, people with dementia, health and social care professionals, policy makers, leaders and anyone looking for a highly informative and personalised perspective on dementia, D4Dementia has become one of the foremost dementia blogs in the world with an impressive catalogue of content.
New to D4Dementia? You’ll find this list of my 10 top most read D4Dementia blog posts a useful introduction to the type of content other readers have enjoyed the most. To this day, my ‘Hard to swallow’ blog remains my most popular.
Many of my D4Dementia blog posts have also documented the key themes that have gone into the training and mentoring I offer to health and social care staff, and the content that makes up my D4Dementia blog was a key factor when I won ‘Best Independent Voice on Older People’s Issues’.
D4Dementia had to take a break from November 2023 until December 2024, but I remain committed to updating it when I can.